Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Taste buds

See all the amazing things I would buy for you to give to other people without giving me a lick of credit. Funky ring, funkier necklace, mod cuckoo clock. But Wait. There's more: Superhero capes, apple jackets, and a stuffed bunny with a 'stache AND a monocle! You're impressed. Right?

I'm dedicating this months blogging to work. That is work I'd rather be doing. In the privacy of my own home. If possible. Even though I like my job (aside from the are-you-freakin'-kidding-me pay cut) I'm craving something different. And since I feel under appreciated at work it seems like the right time to consider other job opportunities. I need a job that taps into my creative side, is something that I like to do, and allows for some flexibility. Like, perhaps, shopping. OH don't look at me that way. People get paid to shop for other people. ALL THE TIME. I love to buy gifts. I adore spending money. Especially if it isn't mine. And I happen to have spectacular taste. The proof is right here. You can't deny it.

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